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Unless otherwise noted, all images and videos of the ocean, research vessels and their onboard equipment, and samples used on this website were taken using research facilities of Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), and the copyrights to them belong to JAMSTEC. Copyrights to all other images, videos, and text on this website belong to the website operator and its affiliated organizations, unless otherwise noted. In addition, the contents of this website are intended for the purpose of outreach of educational and research activities. Except as permitted by copyright law, the contents of this website may not be used without the prior permission of the copyright holder. The purpose of this website is not to infringe any copyrights or portrait rights. If there are any problems regarding copyrights or portrait rights, please contact the website operator using the Contact Form. The operator will respond promptly.

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The research activities and other contents presented on this website are supported by the assets of the School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, Ocean Resources Research Center for Next Generation, Chiba Institute of Technology, and JAMSTEC to which the operator belongs, and by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) to the operator and his collaborators. I would like to express my gratitude to the organizations and individuals involved for their generous cooperation in the research activities and production of the content presented on this website.