
The Museum of Mineral Resources Frontier


The Museum of Mineral Resources Frontier “MINERAFRONT” is being established to bring together magnificent mineral specimens from Japanese mines and the latest research results on the frontier resources, such as deep-sea mineral resources and space resources, to serve as a milestone for the next generation of pioneers who will challenge the frontiers in the future. I am using my experience of encountering many beautiful ore mineral specimens and amazing landscapes of the Earth through my research activities of the Earth to produce exhibition that can widely share fascinations of studying mineral resources.



加藤泰浩(東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 教授)
大田隼一郎(東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 助教)
藤永公一郎(千葉工業大学 次世代海洋資源研究センター 上席研究員)
矢野萌生(千葉工業大学 次世代海洋資源研究センター 主任研究員)
宮本英昭(東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 教授)

Host Organizations
School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Chiba Institute of Technology

Co-Host Organizations
Department of Systems Innovation, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
The University Museum, The University of Tokyo
Ocean Resources Research Center for Next Generation (ORCeNG)

Yasuhiro kato, Professor, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Junichiro Ohta, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Koichiro Fujinaga, Senior Scientist, ORCeNG, Chiba Institute of Technology
Moei Yano, Chief Scientist, ORCeNG, Chiba Institute of Technology
Hideaki Miyamoto, Professor, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Tsuneo Ko, Project Professor, The University Museum, The University of Tokyo
Fumio Matsumoto, Project Professor, The University Museum, The University of Tokyo
Hiroyuki Sekioka, Project Associate Professor, The University Museum, The University of Tokyo

2022年春 開館予定
Coming in spring 2022


Summer School in Nature for Children

私の所属研究室である、東京大学大学院工学系研究科システム創成学専攻 加藤・中村・安川研究室では、「自然に学ぶ夏の学校」と題して、子どもたちが自然に親しみながら学んでいくことのできるサマースクールを開講しています。大自然の中での3日間の合宿の中で、昼間には鉱物観察や鉱物採集、昆虫採集を行い、夜間には星空観察や灯火を用いた昆虫採集を行っています。さらに、子どもたちに自然を深く知る面白さを知ってもらうために、教員や学生が科学的視点を用いて、自然をよく観察して考える方法を教えています。2015年から現在までに延べ240人以上が参加し、2020年と2021年には情報通信技術を用いたオンライン自然体験教室の試みも実施しました。私は、子どもたちの世界を見る目が変わるような魅力的な学習内容の企画や、情報通信技術を用いた自然体験コンテンツの開発を行っています。

My laboratory, Kato-Nakamura-Yasukawa Laboratory, Department of Systems Innovation, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, helds a summer school in nature for children to learn while getting close to nature. During the three-day camp in the great outdoors, children observe and collect minerals, and collect insects during the daytime, and observe the starry sky and collect insects using light trap during the nighttime. Furthermore, in order to let children know the fun of knowing nature in depth, teachers and students teach them how to observe and think about nature closely using scientific perspectives. from 2015 to the present, a total of more than 240 children have participated in the school. In 2020 and 2021, we have also tried an online school using information and communication technology. I plan learning contents that will change the way children see the world and develop the contents using information and communication technology.

ICT: 情報通信技術を駆使した

Development of Earth Science Education System
by ICT: Information and Communication Technology

地球の素晴らしさを知り、地球を深く知ることの面白さを知ること。そのために最も重要となるのは、実際に地球のモノに触れ、自分自身の体で感じ、考えることです。それは、子どもでも学生でも研究者でも同じことです。しかし、それは常に叶うわけではありません。自然災害や新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大による体験機会の減少といったものだけでなく、さまざまな事情によって、自ら体験する機会を得られないことも多くあります。私は、地球に五感で触れることの素晴らしさを知る体験は、すべての人に平等にあってほしいと考えています。そのために私は、仮想現実(VR)や複合現実(MR)などのICT: 情報通信技術を駆使してそれを実現するために、研究開発を実施しています。

To know the wonder of the earth and the fascination of knowing it deeply, the most important thing is to actually touch things of the earth, feel them with your own body, and think about them. This is true whether you are a child, a student, or a researcher. However, this is not always possible. Not only natural disasters and the coronavirus pandemic reduce opportunities for people to experience the earth, but there are also many other circumstances that prevent people from having the chance to experience the earth for themselves. I want everyone to have an equal opportunity to experience the wonder of touching the earth with all five senses. For this purpose, I am conducting research and development to realize this through the use of ICT: Information and Communication Technology such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR).