deep-sea mineral resources
Where are the resources for the next generation that can support the sustainable development of human society? It is in the deep ocean, a frontier that few people have yet reached. In the deep ocean, there are large amounts of mud (sediment) containing high concentrations of rare metals, especially rare earth elements (REY). This is “REY-rich mud”. There are also large quantities of “Manganese nodules” containing high concentrations of various rare metals. These deep-sea mineral resources are inexhaustible and can be developed with low environmental impact, and have the potential to support society of the next generation. My goal is to explore, develop, and give them back to the society of next generation.

When, where, and how did it born?
A key is the Earth system
One of the keys to exploring and developing deep-sea mineral resources is to know when, where, and how they formed, in other words, to know what they are. This is the most important information to accurately predict where the highly valuable resource lies and to successfully exploit it to increase its value. How can we do this? The answer is to unravel the past activities of the earth that produced the mineral resources. The mineral resources are the results of the circulation of various materials and the concentration of useful elements in “the Earth system”, a complex interplay of the Earth’s components, including the atmosphere, oceans, continents, and living organisms. The core of my research approach is to find the factors controlling resource generation in the Earth system.

Deep-sea mineral resources:
A history book
of the Earth system evolution
Mineral resources are the result of Earth system evolutions. This means that mineral resources are the “Earth’s history book” that records the past evolution of the Earth system from the past to the present. In other words, examining the footprint of biological activities, and the consisting elements and substances in mineral resources enables us to learn the history of the Earth’s activities from the past thousands, hundreds of millions, and billions of years ago to the present. By deciphering this history book of the Earth, I genuinely want to know what happened on the Earth in the past and how elements such as living organisms, rocks, oceans, and atmosphere interacted with each other to create the Earth as it is today.

- 深海底堆積物調査航海(8回)
- 有人潜水調査船「しんかい6500」潜行調査(3回)
- 山・露頭における岩石試料採取
- Research cruise for investigation of deep-sea sediments, 8 times
- Deep-underwater excursion on the Shinkai 6500 submergible, 3 times
- Collecting rock and mineral specimens from undergraound mine and outcrops
- 偏光顕微鏡を用いた深海底堆積物の構成鉱物同定・構成割合決定
- 実体顕微鏡・電子顕微鏡を用いた鉱物粒子の詳細観察
- X線回折装置を用いた正確な鉱物同定
- 光学顕微鏡・レーザー回折散乱式粒度分析装置を用いた粒度分布測定
- Identification of constituent minrals of deep-sea sediments and determination of their proportions using polarizing microstcope
- Detailed observation of mineral grains using stereo and electoron microscope
- Precise determination of mineral species by X-ray diffraction analysis
- Grain size distribution analyses using optical microscope and lazer diffraction analyzer
- 深海底堆積物中の微化石の採取・顕微鏡観察・種の同定
- 深海底堆積物中の魚の歯(イクチオリス)を用いた海洋生物活動の復元
- 膠着質底生有孔虫を用いた海洋生物活動の復元
- Handpicking, microscopic observation, identification of microfossils in deep-sea sediments
- Reconstruction of biological activity using fish teeth (ichthyolith) in deep-sea sediments
- Reconstruction of biological activity using deep-sea agglutinated foraminifera
- オスミウム同位体分析手法の開発
- レーザーアブレーションシステムを用いた同位体分析手法の開発
- オスミウム同位体比を用いた地球環境変動の復元
- ハフニウム同位体比を用いた地球環境変動の復元
- 銀同位体比を用いた鉱床生成メカニズムの解明
- Developing analytical method of osmium isotope analysis
- Developing analytical method of isotope analyses using lazer ablation system
- Reconstruction of the past Earth’s environment using osmium isotope ratios
- Reconstruction of the past Earth’s environment using hafnium isotope ratios
- Tracing origins of metals in deposits using silver isotope analysis
- オスミウム同位体比を用いた層序学的な年代決定
- 魚の歯(イクチオリス)の形態学的分類による層序学的な年代決定
- ルテチウム-ハフニウム放射年代を用いた年代決定
- ウラン-鉛放射年代を用いた年代決定
- Stratigraphic dating using osmium isotope ratio in seawater
- Stratigraphic dating based on morphological analysis of fish teeth (ichthyolith)
- Lutetium-hafnium radiometric dating
- Uranium-lead radiometric dating